iOS Mobile Televisit Feature

Native Mobile Televisit Video Chat

Helping people stay connected to their care team.

iOS Mobile Televisit Feature

What are we trying to solve?

  • How might clinical study participants engage with study investigators in a digital visit experience?
  • How might multiple attendees (including site staff, caretakers, and other providers) join a call together?
  • How might virtual medical visits exist alongside other mobile application workflows?

Research & Discovery

Methods (Generative):

  • Strategic comparative analysis
  • Surveying

Methods (Evaluative):

  • First click testing
  • Expert Review with Apple Enterprise Design Lab

Research Insights (Highlights):

  • Participants matched the convention of Televisits UI with familiar virtual visit experiences.
  • Participants desired ways to control the organization of their views, and emphasize different members of a virtual visit.
  • Can be a standalone app or integrated as a feature of larger app.

Mockup Samples

Design Iterations

Final Designs

What are the Outcomes?

User Insights

  • Knowledge about user preferences when participating in virtual appointments
  • Additional insight about expectations of users when using mobile video experiences
  • Screen sharing ability easily leveraged in workflows that require consent, identity verification, or in support of electronic signature collection

Technical Proof of Concept (POC)

  • Fully tested technical POC allowing multiple video streams
  • Integrated into demo application

Video Demo

Tap the thumbnail below to play a short video demo of the televisit video chat experience.